We do not request reimbursement of costs
(such as repayment for obtaining medical records)
from veterans nor from people who suffer from multiple sclerosis.
People who suffer from chronic conditions may find that they are unable to work due to severe and ongoing symptoms. Many people who suffer from a disability worry that they will not be able to make ends meet when they are not earning an income to pay bills. Fortunately, social security disability (SSD) benefits are available to qualified individuals.
SSD benefits are specifically designed to help people who have worked in the past. These benefits are a type of insurance regulated by the federal government. Paycheck deductions are used to fund the program, so disabled individuals who have worked in the past are able to get the benefits that they have paid to received by completing an application.
Mitochondrial disease is a condition that affects the cells in the body. Damage in the mitochondria results when people have this condition. Cells that attempt to reproduce as intended are unable to draw the energy necessary to do so. Cells are damaged and eventually destroyed when a person suffers from this condition.
Cell death leads to organ failure. The exact complications experienced by a person who has mitochondrial disease are determined by the cells that are affected. Complications can be experienced in the heart, liver, brain, respiratory system, kidneys or muscles.
Symptoms of mitochondrial disease tend to vary widely. Some symptoms that are commonly associated with the condition include weakness, irritability, hypertension and respiratory failure. Children who have mitochondrial disease may fail to develop neurologically.
This condition does not allow individuals to develop normally. Most children who are born with mitochondrial disease do not reach their second birthday. Adults may experience damage to the mitochondria as they age, and this deterioration in the cells can cause severe symptoms and complications.
There is no cure for mitochondrial disease, and medical professionals are typically tasked with ensuring that sufferers are as comfortable as possible. Symptoms are treated to minimize suffering.
It is possible for people who suffer from mitochondrial disease to receive SSD benefits. The most important part of applying for benefits is providing evidence that the condition is present. Applicants can gather evidence from their medical providers. A formal diagnosis is necessary, and the date that the patient was diagnosed with the condition is important.
There are many tests performed when mitochondrial disease is being diagnosed. Medical professionals will test the blood and urine for lactic acidosis. Cerebral imaging is often performed to determine how the condition has affected development of the brain.
A muscle biopsy may be done to evaluate the impact that mitochondrial disease has had on the muscular structure. Genetic chromosome testing is also done to show that a mutation has caused the condition to affect the quality of life of the individual.
Applicants who are unable to work due to mitochondrial disease must provide the Social Security Administration (SSA) with adequate proof of disability. This is the most important part of the application process, so it is essential for sufferers to seek medical treatment from a licensed provider in order to ensure that accurate medical records are created.
Applying for SSD benefits is a complicated process. Up to 70 percent of first-time applications are denied, and the most common reason for a denial is a lack of medical proof of disability. People who are unfamiliar with the process may feel confused and alone when they are trying to apply for the benefits that they need. Experienced disability lawyers in delaware offer guidance throughout the application process. These legal professionals act as advocates for their clients to ensure that disabled individuals are able to receive the benefits for which they qualify. Legal representation takes much of the stress of the application process off of the shoulders of the applicant.
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