Social Security Disability Benefits in Atlanta
Social Security Disability Insurance is a familiar benefit program that we may hear about from time to time. The program is there to support disabled individuals who can no longer work however, there are many specific guidelines regarding these important benefits.
- Fortunately, our attorneys can break down the intricate details of Social Security Disability Benefits and provide a clearer understanding to clients. At Chermol & Fishman, LLC, we have years of experience and expertise in representing social security disability claimants.
- Nonetheless, it is important that you have at least a broad understanding of the Social Security system. In the United States, citizens are required to pay a mandatory tax towards Social Security. This tax is automatically taken out of every paycheck.
- The taxes that fund this program are monitored and maintained by a government body called the Social Security Administration (SSA). Social Security Disability Benefits are a form of government aid that a person can claim when he or she suffers from a disabling condition. This condition may be a type of injury, illness or disease.
- Your Social Security Office Atlanta location can help you better understand these terms. If you have trouble performing daily duties due to your condition, you can apply for Social Security Disability Benefits.
Who Can Apply For Social Security Disability Benefits in Atlanta?
- The Social Security Office has clearly laid out the list of requirements for applying for benefits. Because these benefits are provided by the government, they should only be given to people who are truly deserving.
- Many times, people try to misuse the benefits provided by falsifying information. To prevent this from happening, the Social Security Office has established strict guidelines.
Disability benefits may be available to any citizen who is:
- Suffering from a physical or mental disease that is listed in the SSA’s “Blue Book”
- Unable to perform daily activities like bathing, cooking, cleaning, etc.
- Unable to work because of a physical or mental condition
- Unable to perform a current job or any other kind of job to earn a living
- Suffering from a disease that is not listed in the Blue Book, but that has symptoms matching those of a listed disease
There are many ways to prove disability, especially if you hire one of the experienced Disability Lawyers Atlanta GA trusts. These professionals can help you make the strongest case for disability benefits.
Your Social Security Atlanta attorney can help you prove that:
- You have consistently paid into Social Security Taxes through your employment. If you have not contributed towards Social Security Taxes, you cannot apply.
- You are eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits by having worked five years out of the last ten years ending in your disability onset (this may vary based on your age and disability onset). If you do not have a work history, you may still apply for disability benefits under Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
- You are unable to earn a living due to a physical or mental illness. This, however, must be backed up by a doctor’s testimony and relevant medical examination reports and documentation.
What is the SSA’s “Blue Book” and What Is It Used For?
- The Social Security Administration (SSA) issues a booklet every year listing the medical conditions that are covered by Disability Benefits.
- This booklet is known as the Blue Book, and it is used by applicants all across the country. Your Atlanta Social Security Disability Lawyer should be very familiar with this booklet.
The medical conditions that are listed by the Blue Book include:
- Cancer
- Nerve issues
- Back problems
- Respiratory Issues
- Speech and sensory issues
- Different types of syndromes
- Heart diseases
- Mental health issues
- Skin problems
- Immune disorders
- Digestive problems
- Kidney diseases
- Hematological disorders
If you are applying for Social Security Disability Benefits and your condition doesn’t match any of the disease types mentioned above, then don’t lose hope. The SSA reviews each case in order to find similar symptoms for the diseases listed.
Documents Needed For Disability Benefits
- It doesn’t matter whether you apply individually or through a Social Security Disability Attorney Atlanta representative. When it comes to documents, the Social Security Office is very particular.
- Before you start with the application procedure, make sure you have all the required documentation ready.
The most common documents that you will need include:
- Any medical reports and doctors’ statements. Every time you visit the doctor, you should keep the records with you. Your lab tests and reports may play a vital role in getting you approved for benefits. A full doctor report should detail the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and affirmation of the disability. This is crucial.
- Education and work experience details are the second most crucial pieces of information you will need. You must provide documents for your occupation, history, and skills. Your education level is also important. If you are capable of doing other work, you will likely get denied for benefits.
- Contact information for your doctor, the hospital, or clinics that you have been visiting, and also your family and friends. The Social Security Office might reach out to people who know you. The SSA will try to understand the kind of problems you are facing in your daily life due to disability.
- Financial records and bank account statements. Consider all of your income sources, assets and other monetary information and proof of your dependents. The SSA will need information on your spouse and your children before they finalize your claim.
Proceeding with the Application
If you have not hired an SSD Attorney Atlanta expert, then you might have to do some serious legwork with all the paperwork. Once you are ready with the documentation, you can proceed with the application by:
- Contacting the local Social Security Office by phone to set up an appointment or by visiting the SSA’s website and applying online.
- Visiting the local Social Security Office without any prior appointment and seeking assistance.
Why You Need an Attorney to Represent Your Case
- Disability Lawyers Atlanta are experts in handling social security cases. When you first approach them, they will conduct a detailed interview to understand your situation.
- Through the overview of your case, your attorney will gain a better understanding as to whether or not your case is likely to get approved. If a lawyer believes it’s a weak case, he or she may simply deny taking your case.
- If the attorney does take your case, you may be in luck. Disability attorneys can help you with all the documentation and form completion procedures of the process. This can be a huge relief when you are already suffering physically or mentally.
- Social security lawyers also prepare you for hearings so that you know what to say, and how to act in court when appearing in front of a judge.
How an Attorney Prepares You for Your Hearing
- Appearing in court in front of a judge can be a difficult task for many disability claimants. There might be questions that come across as personal or embarrassing. There might be concerns raised that you have not considered.
- Fortunately, an Atlanta Disability Attorney can prepare you to answer these questions confidently and correctly.
Some of the common questions that may be asked at a hearing include:
- Do you have friends?
- Can you read and write?
- How far have you studied?
- Can you walk a block?
- Can you take a bath on your own?
- Do you have any alcohol or drug addiction?
- Are you on medication and having any side effects?
- Do you feel depressed and anxious?
- What do you do on a normal day?
- Are you employed?
- How long have you been sick and disabled?
- Are you consulting a medical professional?
- Are you able to climb a flight of stairs?
Handling an SSA Rejection
- If your disability application gets rejected, your Social Security Attorney Atlanta representative can take immediate action. He or she will review the denial to understand why it got rejected.
- Your attorney can then ask you to undergo any additional tests if required and get more medical documents to prove your disability.
- Once everything is in place, your attorney will apply for an appeal with the social security office for a reconsideration of your case.
Since there are a lot of legalities involved in the procedure, it is always advisable to hire an attorney for a smooth experience with your Disability application. Consult the experts of Chermol & Fishman, LLC today.