A Richboro Social Security Disability Attorney Will Help You Avoid Rejection
Most individuals who apply for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are unaware of the obstacles in the application process that are listed by the Social Security Administration (SSA). A large number of individuals who apply for SSD benefits get rejected.
They get rejected for many reasons. Some of the main reasons they get rejected is a result of poorly filed paperwork and not enough evidence to back up their disability. This includes medical reports from doctors or medical professionals that validate their claim or other documents deeming them to be eligible. The criteria for disability conditions are mentioned in the Social Security Blue Book.
Arthritis, depression, heart diseases, digestive issues, and other medical conditions are just a few of the medical conditions that qualify you for disability benefits. Consult a Social Security Attorney Richboro residents rely on to know whether your condition enables you for disability benefits or not.
Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability Attorney Richboro Benefits?
If your medical condition is not listed, you must prove your health condition is severe. Based on your ability to work, you may qualify for benefits. If you are capable of doing some or little work, your application may not get approved.
Let us talk about all the requirements that the SSA takes into consideration.
- Are You Currently Working? – Disability benefits are for people who are unable to work. You may not qualify if you are currently working. You must also have work credits to be eligible for benefits. The number of work credits you need to qualify for disability benefits depends on your age when you became disabled. Generally, you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the last 10 years ending with the year you became disabled.
- How Severe is Your Condition? – To be eligible for benefits, your condition must be severe. It should affect your ability to work and restrict your working capacities. If your situation is critical, you may qualify for disability. You must prove your disability with medical records and evidence. You can get help with a Social Security Disability Attorney Richboro residents trust to better understand what is needed. The lawyers of Chermol Fishman, LLC have extensive knowledge and will help you in collecting every piece of evidence available to prove your disability.
Let us talk about all the requirements that the SSA takes into consideration.
- Are You Currently Working? – Disability benefits are for people who are unable to work. You may not qualify if you are currently working. You must also have work credits to be eligible for benefits. The number of work credits you need to qualify for disability benefits depends on your age when you became disabled. Generally, you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the last 10 years ending with the year you became disabled.
- How Severe is Your Condition? – To be eligible for benefits, your condition must be severe. It should affect your ability to work and restrict your working capacities. If your situation is critical, you may qualify for disability. You must prove your disability with medical records and evidence. You can get help with a Social Security Disability Attorney Richboro residents trust to better understand what is needed. The lawyers of Chermol Fishman, LLC have extensive knowledge and will help you in collecting every piece of evidence available to prove your disability.
We consider you disabled under Social Security Disability Lawyer Richboro rules if:
- You cannot do work that you did before;
- You cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s)
- Your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death.
- – The SSA will also evaluate if you can accomplish other types of work. They will examine your past work and see if you have any transferable skills. If you can perform other jobs or activities, then you may not qualify for disability benefits. You can increase your chances of acceptance if you communicate with a disability attorney for all of your legal questions.
- How To Find A Disability Attorney Richboro Residents Trust – Finding an experienced disability lawyer can be a daunting task. You can use the internet, bar association, or contact friends and family to locate an attorney. Every state has a bar association. If you are looking for an attorney, you can also visit the website of the bar association in your area.
You can also search “Social Security Disability Attorney Richboro” on the Internet. You will get thousands of results. You can review and see their testimonials, as well as their background, experience, and all of the types of cases they have handled. You can even find lawyers using groups or forums on the Internet.
- Always look for a lawyer who has experience in handling your type of case. Different attorneys deal with different kinds of Social Security Disability cases.
- You should search for a lawyer who has been practicing within your area for a decent amount of time.
- Various attorneys work on a contingency basis. This means that you will only have to pay the attorney if the case results in a favorable outcome. If you do not win, the attorney does not receive any fee for service. Hiring an attorney who works on contingency is very important when thinking about getting an attorney. It will reduce the risk of losing money.
- Always schedule a free consultation with any attorney you are considering. It will help you in determining whether you feel comfortable working with the attorney or not.
Social Security Office Richboro
The attorneys at Chermol Fishman, LLC have years of experience and are here for all of your SSD benefits concerns. We are a team of experienced attorneys who have handled many complex disability cases. Book a consultation!