We do not request reimbursement of costs
(such as repayment for obtaining medical records)
from veterans nor from people who suffer from multiple sclerosis.

Dallas Disability Lawyer

If you are suffering from a disability that prevents you from working and providing for yourself, you may be eligible for disability benefits. Social Security Disability benefits can help to offset the financial burdens related to a permanent impairment or disability.

The process of obtaining your benefits, however, can be very difficult, and it is advisable to work closely with an experienced Dallas disability attorney. Strict eligibility requirements include a substantive work history and a documented disability. Our Dallas disability lawyer can help you prepare your initial application or appeal a denial.

How Can A Dallas Disability Lawyers Help You?

A disability attorney in Dallas can provide valuable assistance in several aspects of your disability case:

  • Assessment: They can figure out if your disability claim meets the requirements for benefits.
  • Application: They can guide you through the application process, ensuring it is completed accurately and submitted on time.
  • Evidence Collection: They will help gather and organize essential documents like medical records and employment history.
  • Legal Representation: In case your initial application is denied, they can help you file a disability appeal and fight for the money and medical care you need.
  • Stress Reduction and Confidence: Legal assistance not only eases the stress and complexities of the disability application and appeals process but also instills confidence that your case is competently managed, enhancing the chances of a successful outcome
  • Communication: They can communicate with the Social Security Administration, handling your questions and concerns for you.
  • Expertise: They possess in-depth knowledge of regional disability cases, comprehending the particular prerequisites and nuances of the system.
  • Timeliness: They ensure your case moves efficiently through the often lengthy process.

Why Choose Dallas Disability Lawyer?

Each Dallas Social Security Disability attorney at Chermol & Fishman possesses in-depth knowledge of the system and is dedicated to maximizing your entitlements within the bounds of the law. When collaborating with our seasoned Dallas Disability lawyers, you can anticipate:

Disability Lawyer in Dallas

  • A complimentary assessment of your case. If you have any legal questions or concerns, feel free to come in and talk to one of our attorneys. It will cost you absolutely nothing.
  • Support in procuring your medical records.
  • Rigorous commitment to upholding privacy standards and ethical principles.
  • Optimizing your benefits within the legal framework.
  • Our team of attorneys will simplify the process from start to finish by cutting through the government bureaucracy that comes along with a social security disability case.
  • Rest easy knowing you’ve hired the best. We will always put you in the best position for a good outcome in your case.

Have peace of mind knowing that our firm is locally, regionally and nationally recognized within the Social Security legal community for its excellence and relentless sense of determination when it comes to handling all our cases.

SSDI & SSI Benefits in Dallas, Texas 

SSDI: Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, is like a state-run insurance program. If you view your tax receipts, you’ll see a specific category called “Social Security.” This tells you how much you pay towards SSDI participation with each tax payment. 

SSI: Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is one of two primary forms of federal disability benefits. This form of benefit claims is designed for those who are:

  • Over the age of 65
  • Have low income and resources

You must also have a qualifying disability or be blind.

What Disabilities Does A Dallas Disability Lawyer Handle?

Disability lawyers in Dallas typically handles a wide range of disabilities, including but not limited to:

These lawyers assist clients in seeking Social Security Disability benefits for various physical and mental health impairments and disabling conditions.

Eligibility Criteria For Social Security Disability In Dallas

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

To qualify for SSDI, you must have worked for a specific length of time. This length of time is determined via “work credits.” 

In the words of the Social Security Administration (SSA), SSD benefits may be paid “to you and certain members of your family if you have worked long enough and have a medical condition that has prevented you from working or is expected to prevent you from working for at least 12 months or end in death.” Verifying your work history is a large component of an SSD application or appeal. Documenting your medical condition is the other essential aspect.

If you have worked long enough and paid enough into the system, you may be eligible for these disability benefits regardless of your assets or income prior to the onset of your disability.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

SSI is for “disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources,” according to the SSA. In a great many cases, SSI recipients have not worked enough to pay into the system. Children under 18 only qualify for if they have been disabled since childhood.

This is a needs-based program for those who have not paid into the system long enough to be eligible for SSDI benefits, including children.

So, if you fail to qualify for SSDI benefits, you may still be eligible for SSI benefits. You should consult with an experienced lawyer to determine all options available to you.

How To Apply For Disability In Dallas

If you are suffering from a disabling condition and wish to apply for Social Security Disability in Texas, there are a couple ways to file a claim for benefits with the SSA. You can apply on the internet, over the phone, or in-person.

  • You can apply online on the SSA’s website at ssa.gov.
  • You can apply over the phone by calling the SSA’s customer service
  • You can apply in-person at the closest Social Security field office. 

Need Legal Help? Contact a Dallas Disability Attorney today!

At Chermol & Fishman, LLC, we know that you have options when it comes to choosing an attorney to help get you SSDI benefits. We also believe that you will not find a team that is better equipped to help you than ours. Contact our skilled Dallas attorneys for a free consultation today to learn more about our firm and how we can help you and your family. 

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