We do not request reimbursement of costs
(such as repayment for obtaining medical records)
from veterans nor from people who suffer from multiple sclerosis.
If you have a debilitating condition like fecal peritonitis and short bowel syndrome, you may be dealing with an inability to work while you are also trying to handle your symptoms and manage your care. Medical costs can quickly add up, and if you can’t work, you may also be unable to pay your other expenses. Fortunately, the Social Security Administration offers benefits for people whose medical conditions are so disabling that they cannot earn enough money to live. If your condition is severe enough to meet the administration’s eligibility guidelines, you may qualify for social security disability insurance through the Social Security Administration.
Fecal peritonitis is a condition in which fecal matter enters the abdominal cavity that is lined with the peritoneum. The peritoneal cavity is the area in which your abdominal organs are housed, including your stomach, large and small intestines, kidneys and liver. When foreign matter such as feces enter into this cavity, your peritoneal cavity and the membranes that surround it can become infected. Fecal matter is often introduced by a perforation in your intestines. If the infection is not promptly treated, you may then experience tissue death in your small intestine.
Short bowel syndrome happens when a portion of your small intestine has to be removed because of necrotizing of the tissue. When enough of your intestine has to be removed, the reduced absorptive surface may leave you malnourished and unable to get enough nutrients from the foods that you eat. This may necessitate you having to supplement with a gastrostomy or intravenous feeding tube in order to receive adequate nutrition. You may also experience other symptoms, including chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, sticky or fatty stools, unintended weight loss and fatigue. A combination of the symptoms with the need for intravenous feeding may leave you unable to work, making it necessary for you to seek SSDI benefits.
The Social Security Administration has more than 200 conditions in its listings, which are medical conditions that are recognized as severe enough that they are likely to render sufferers disabled and unable to work. The agency recognizes short bowel syndrome if the symptoms meet certain requirements. To be approved, you must generally require intravenous feeding. The agency also requires that you submit medical evidence that documents your diagnosis, surgery and ongoing treatment. Without sufficient medical evidence, your SSDI benefits application may be denied, making it vital for you to make certain that you check in with your doctor regularly and follow his or her recommendations. It is also important for you to talk about your condition and how it affects your life and your ability to complete your activities of daily living every visit. Keeping a journal in which you record your symptoms, your bowel movements and your pain is important.
The Social Security Administration recognizes that some people who have short bowel syndrome may eventually regain enough absorptive surface in their small intestines that they might be able to wean off their intravenous feeding supplements. Unfortunately, others may not. Make certain to see your doctor and keep good records of all of the treatment that you receive as doing so will help your application for disability benefits. When you meet with atlanta social security disability lawyers, make certain to bring copies of all of your medical records as well as your journal because they will help in the preparation of your claim. Your experienced disability attorney may also ask you for additional documents. The more evidence that you can gather, the likelier it is that your claim will be successful.
To discuss SSD and SSI claims or appeals, please call us at (215) 464-7200 or email the attorneys of Chermol & Fishman, LLC.
The initial consultation is free, and we never charge a fee until we win your case.
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